Imagine we’re planning a trip together…
There’s a place you want to go and you realize you need a UX designer to help you get there. I’ll ask you questions like:
What’s the destination? What do I need to create to get us from here to there?
Who will this project impact?
Who is on the team?
What other teams are we working with and what do they need?
Who else is invested in this project?
What resources or materials do we have available to make this happen?
What constraints do we have?
What’s the time frame?
Is there anything else I should know before we get started?
You might have noticed two types of questions:
Questions related to the project and team.
Questions about how the project relates to the bigger picture and other teams.
I like to understand the whole landscape. This helps me keep in mind specifics like if the engineering team needs a particular file type or someone in marketing needs a list of hex code colors. It also helps me to anticipate challenges and delays, and to remain empathetic and flexible. Are we working with a team in the south-east United States during hurricane season? Is our primary design software undergoing a major update?
If you’re the project manager there are some other questions I’ll have for you:
Are you the sort of traveler that wants to know the small details of the itinerary immediately or are you more of a go-with-the-flow sort of person?
How often do you like to check in during your trips?
How do you like to be notified about updates or changes as we progress?
In short, what is your style of managing projects and how can I deliver what you need in such a way that we both set ourselves up for success?
And then it’s go time!
Looking forward to working with you!